You may find at times that you do not want to display all page-items in your worksheet title, or all parameters, but only some selected ones. The standard list of meta-tokens available in a title does not seem to offer what you need in this case. But, there is a 'hidden' (or undocumented) way of achieving this.
Let's see with an example.
In my worksheet title, I have added these two meta-tokens:
&PageItems and

When I run this worksheet, all page items - Year and Department, and all parameters selected - 1999 and 2000 for year, and 'Video Rental' and 'Game Rental' are displayed in the title.

If you see below, the names I have given to the two parameters in my worksheet are "
YearParam" for the year based parameter and "
DeptParam" for the Department based parameter.

I now edit my worksheet title, and add these two meta-tokens:
&Year and
&DeptParam, see what happens now. To make it easier to see the difference between the
&Parameters standard meta-tokens on the one hand, and between the
&Year and
&DeptParam meta-tokens on the other, I have kept all of them in the title, and formatted the new meta-tokens differently.

Instead of seeing ALL page-items, only the selected value for the Year page-item is displayed, while in the case of the new parameter meta-token, only the selected values for the '
DeptParam' parameter are displayed.