For me this is possibly the single biggest change in the default post-install experience of the Admin Tool - the demo repository that is contained in the installation is entirely self-contained and self-sufficient.
Since Oracle BI is capable of accessing relational, multi-dimensional, Excel, XML, and other data sources, the "Paint" repository has been retained, but in XML format. This means that you do not need **any** database to start using the Admin Tool, Answers, Interactive Dashboards, and other components. Very nice :)

You do not need to rewrite any of your UI screens, or change any configuration parameters, or anything - only one change is required: that of configuring the connection to point it to an XML data source.

The XML source files are located under the [Oracle BI folder]\Server\Sample\paint folder.

You can open the "Fact.xml" file to see its contents. In a relational database each 'Fact' rowset would be one row in 'Fact' table.