Southwest style

Confetti Style
Comet Style

The graph wizard in Discoverer looks pretty much the same, except when you go to the "Style" tab, you will find the new graph styles added (I have highlighted only three below).

The graph wizard in Discoverer looks pretty much the same, except when you go to the "Style" tab, you will find the new graph styles added (I have highlighted only three below).

Styles are one of the easiest ways of jazzing up reports and of allowing users to focus more on which graph type works best for displaying different kinds of data and less on how to pretty up the graph.
More on this and other new features in the upcoming Discoverer release soon... Watch out for a mini-series on the new improved Spreadsheet Add-In, which has a host of new and improved features, including better VBA support, named queries in Excel, non-modal query wizard, and lots and lots more.
More on this and other new features in the upcoming Discoverer release soon... Watch out for a mini-series on the new improved Spreadsheet Add-In, which has a host of new and improved features, including better VBA support, named queries in Excel, non-modal query wizard, and lots and lots more.