
Monday, July 02, 2012

Documentation for BI EE

Shortly after posting my earlier post, announcing the availability of the Oracle Business Intelligence patchset, I realized I had missed out a couple of other pieces of information that would be immediately useful.

These two items are the certifications information and the documentation library.

The documentation library for this release is available at Business Intelligence Documentation for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g (
Within this documentation library, there are a couple of points worth noting.

The first is that there is a new doc for Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile. It is available at Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) - Contents and it has PDFMobi, and ePub versions also available. So now you can not only download the PDF version, but also download an eBook reader-friendly version like .mobi and .epub.

For a list of new user features in this release, take a look at the New Features for Oracle Business Intelligence Users - 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) chapter from the User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition doc.

The OTN page for Middleware certifications should be updated with the BI EE certifications information soon I expect.
I will post an update once that is available.